What Are the Oral Health Benefits of Dental Implants?

The dental implant procedure is a prevalent treatment. In the US alone, dentists place over 5 million implants annually. Implants have several drawbacks, but they too have many benefits to their name. What’s better is that some of the implant’s benefits are not available in other tooth restoration options.

For most people, the positives of dental implants outdo their drawbacks. Here are some health benefits implants offer.

Implants are Versatile

Other tooth replacement options like bridges, partials, and complete dentures are limited in the number of teeth they can replace at a time. However, implants are versatile in comparison. Dentists can fix a tooth crown on a single tooth implant or with many teeth.

Implants can also be used with dental bridges, partial and complete dentures to replace many or level all teeth. With implants, your dentist can determine the perfect treatment that suits you.

Implants are Comfortable

Unlike other cosmetic and restorative dentistry options that are cemented on top of other teeth or the gum, dental implants are directly embedded into the jawbone. Here, they stimulate the growth of the jawbone in the space of missing teeth.

The healing process involves the growth of the jawbone around the titanium pole embedded in it. You, therefore, get firmer teeth with the stability of your natural teeth. You might even forget you have a dental implant. Other tooth restoration options do not stimulate the feeling of natural teeth roots, which feel less secure.

It’s Easier to Speak with Implants

Teeth play a crucial role in the pronunciation of certain sounds. Missing several vital front teeth can significantly change how you pronounce certain letters.

Also, loose dentures can slide off while you speak, causing a slur in speech. This can get embarrassing and distracting, as you will be in constant worry of your dentures sliding out, hence affecting your voice.

These are not problems found with dental implants. They provide a permanent surface to rest your tongue when speaking certain sounds. Moreover, with implant-supported tooth dentures, the devices are firmly held by deep-rooted titanium rods, preventing slippage or movement inside the mouth. With implants, you can confidently and efficiently speak without worry.

No Food Restrictions

People missing several molars can tell you how much difference that creates when it comes to eating certain types of foods. Implants permanently fill the gaps, so it becomes easier to eat again. Also, since implants are deeply planted into the jawbone, implant-supported dentures do not have food restrictions as with traditional dentures.

Natural Look

Modern technology ensures that dental implants are just as natural-looking as they feel. These dental prosthetics are specifically designed for the user, ensuring your smile looks as beautiful as you want it.

Even implant-supported dentures will appear as natural as possible, with gums customized to match the color of your natural gums. It doesn’t matter if you top your implant with a crown, dental bridge, or dentures, they are barely visible, and no one will differentiate from your natural teeth.

Prevent Bone Loss

Your teeth’ roots are essential in the process of jawbone growth. They send signals that enable jawbone growth, and when you lose a tooth, these signals are non-existent. Your body then begins reabsorbing the bone where the tooth root was, which caves in your face with time, making you appear older.

With the titanium pole embedded in the jawbone, the essential role of simulating jawbone growth is covered, so the bone grows and heals around the titanium rod with time. Implants do prevent not only bone loss but also preserve your facial structure and shape, and even reverse already occurred bone loss.

Preserve Natural Teeth

Receiving a dental implant at Susan J. Curley DDS might sound like an intimidating and very invasive procedure. However, many dentists consider the implant procedure for missing teeth to be a conservative treatment. It’s because implants do not alter your remaining teeth negatively.

Additionally, they are anchored into the jaw like natural teeth and are topped with tooth crowns that resemble and feel like your natural teeth. There is no point of contact with healthy natural teeth, which can weaken them.

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